A beautiful winter day in Tucson

Another bike ride in to the hills and it's beginning to get easier. I am getting familiar with the roads, and we are pushing the intensity a bit now too. There is a group that goes out to bike every day. Have you ever heard of such a thing? It is really nice. Not so good for the job search though. All in due time. I hope :)

yay! My first visitor will be coming to Tucson!

I'll be in my new apartment thankfully, so we will have much more space, although the new place could be bare bones. Yet we can bike and hike and check out the sights of Tucson! I am very happy that Cathy is coming!! Sweet. They say March is great weather out here. It has lifted my spirits and I love the anticipation.
I bought a new mattress and box spring today. Crap those items are expensive. My mattress at home was well over 10 years old, but still...
I went over to U of A to swim today, since it was rainy and cool for biking. I paid the guest fee, only to learn that the pool is outside! And the scuba team was there. wtf! I sweetly asked the manager for a rain check, and she obliged. So later in the week, when it is sunny and warm(er), I'll be there doing laps. She joked that being from Boston, I should be used to the cold. Little does she know how nice and beautiful and INDOORS the pool is at BU. The best pool ever. With the best Masters Swim Coach. Hope you are reading this, Fiona. I know you agree.

Snow on the mountains in Tucson again

Tucson has had more rain in the past two months than they typically get for the whole year. An unusual day, they tell me. It rained for the whole afternoon and part of the evening, with snow falling at the higher elevations. I noticed the new snow tops on the mountains today. A pretty sight. And the rain fills the rivers, or I should say the wash. Those sad looking dry river beds that fill a rowers heart with dread. But they are flowing today. I'll go out tomorrow and take some pictures and show you. It's not enough to take out an 8+, or even a single, though. Typically dry, people take their horses and gallop down the river course. That is kind of cool to see. I'd like to do that sometime.
I visited the downtown area of Tucson for the first time. I had dinner at Caruso's on 4th Avenue with my childhood friend, and we walked around the old hippie town. It's an amusing throw-back to the sixties with the stores and the locals. But been there, done that.
I'll be moving in to a new apartment that is much larger than my current 344 sq ft studio. I'm ready. Cooking is definitely a challenge here; and I am moving north, closer to the mountains. I'll be living next to the bike path that connects the city to the foothills. Just get on my bike and go. And the U of A is only 6 miles south, along the city bike route, in case I get a job there. A good location, I think! Here's a photo I took off their website. I'm on the 3rd floor.

some random pictures in tucson

My bike and hike stuff
kitchen stuff
enjoying the porch, and the views

My Friday Night Date

watching the Olympics... and waxing my car... look how nice my car turned out! This is the reflection of the house next door in my hood.
That's my house in the background.

I found the granny gear today

We went on a bike ride through the Saguaro National Park, which is east of Tucson, called the Cactus Forest Trail. After you bike there from the city, it's an 8 mile loop through a national park that forced me into my granny gear. It's a beautiful one-way loop with mountains and desert landscape all around. The spring flowers are almost ready to bloom out here. Amazing, right? This is my kind of winter day. The temp was low 70's and full sunshine. Maybe you will be pleased to know I did full sunscreen with biking shorts and a short sleeve top. No long sleeves today. It was time to go AZ style.

more miles on the road today

A beautiful day in Tuscon, and 30 riders came out to bike the foothills in 70 degree weather. I've still got the long sleeves and long pants on, and my biker tan will consist of only the wrists where there is a gap between my sleeve and biking glove. Funny. Today was a good bike ride, and I am meeting people around my age. It's a fun group. Apparently we have a former Olympian who rides in the fast group today. Nice.
The Tuscon Gem show is finally over, now we have a golf tournament (Match Play), and then the rodeo. February is a big month around here.
I planted pansies in my window box, so when they get a little thicker, I will show you.

My first club bike ride

It was time. I've watched the other cyclists on the roads and hills of Tucson with envy. I had to go. So I met up with the Cactus Cycling Club at the very civilized hour of 2pm on a Saturday for a ride in the foothills of the Coronado National Forest. It was sweet. There were 17 riders, and it was a short ride, but a good beginning. Everyone wears long sleeves and long pants despite the sunny 69 degrees. The conditions are so different here. It really is very dry and there are no clouds to protect you from the sun. I know I have to apply sunscreen differently than I have been, and drink plenty of fluids. I will use my Title Nine gift certificate (from Slone) to get some cooling protective gear. I've heard there is such a thing, and I've been saving my gift just for this occasion.
I also had to buy a tv. I can not take missing the Olympics. Internet is very sketchy here at my apartment, and last night, on opening night... I had nothing. So I now have my first flat screen tv. Nice.
I biked around the U of A yesterday. That is a very pretty campus. I liked the energy. But it amused me that they trucked in snow so that the college kids could play. I'm sure that's not what NPR counted when they said 49 states have snow.

more photos from my new digs...

my car is finally empty...

I have my first apartment ... since who knows when?!! Yet, it's truly lovely! And my bike is pieced back together after living in the car for weeks, just in time for upcoming weather in the mid-70's. I'm ready. to start slow. haha. The comp women have Crash B's this weekend (go CRI!) and I am in the slow lane for biking. But don't you worry. I'll be in fighting shape soon. What... with no winter weather here. They bike every day. Can you imagine? Okay. Let's do this! First, check out my new apartment. It's pretty sweet. And this is my view from my tiny deck...


an interesting phenomenon

I wasn't going to mention this. But night after night, I have been impressed. At the hotel, not only do they serve a great hot breakfast that's included, but more interestingly they serve a terrific dinner... with wine (red and white) and beer (by the keg). It's the same cook every night, who is an older man (my age?), mexican, very fit and affable (ha, like me). He chats with everyone and has a ready laugh with a nice smile. He lays out a spread of food every night that he takes pride in. Monday was taco night, but with much more than the usual fixings. I had three tacos just to taste all the variations. Tuesday was open face sandwiches, and Wednesday (tonight) was burger night. But it's not that simple. There are always options... like a veggie burger or chicken burger along side the usual hamburger. With much more that the usual toppings to go inside a bun, plus a green salad, a macaroni salad, potato salad, brown beans, chips, etc. His homemade salsa is always a big hit and empties out quickly. Spicy and thick. I am a big fan. And night after night, I see the same people. It's a room full of guys chowing down and laughing it up. And I am the only female. That's the interesting phenomenon. I have older brothers and a family of men so I can deal. But why no other women? I see them at breakfast. But not dinner. And this is the meal where the real treat lies. At the end of the day.

An afternoon with cousin Kathleen

I met Kathleen at Canyon Ranch in Tucson for lunch and a walk. It was a gorgeous day to be outside and take in the beautiful grounds. See for yourself.

I have my first apartment!

I will soon be living in downtown Tucson, right across the street from the U of A. I can walk to the university, and keep showing up until they hire me! Or is it until I hire them? haha. The location of this tiny little furnished studio is very nice. And I can rent with no commitment... by the week or the month. Until I find something bigger and better. The word is that after February, rentals are cheaper and more available. So I can hang tight until then. I really do hate to give up my hotel room, tho, I must say. This place is incredible. I am in a suite at the Marriott Residence Inn that is gorgeous and includes breakfast and dinner with wine. After I scored an apartment today, I came back to the hotel, put on my shorts and t-shirt and hung out at the pool. It's a tad cool for a bathing suit. I just gotta say, it's pretty nice. My new place will not be nearly this nice, nor will it have the internet, a reliable tv, or a stove top. I'm so glad I purchased a Presto electric griddle with Dad this past week! But by hanging out at internet cafes, I figure it's a good way to meet new people. My new landlord told me about a place where people over 50 hang out. Funny. Actually, that could be pretty cool. I can do that. And I can walk there. I think I will like being part of the city.

Tucson Arizona!

I did it! A road trip of 3,700 miles starting in Massachusetts...going to Tampa for a week to hang out with dad, and then a 2,000 mile trek along the Gulf Coast to Tucson. I am blown away. It is just so beautiful in Tucson with the mountains all around this valley and snow at the highest peaks. I am beside myself. I feel so fortunate to have made the trip without incident. Just me, the truckers, and a few out-of-state travelers going the same way at the same time. It was funny that on my last day, it began to rain in Arizona. All of the days on the road had been dry. When I stopped at the very last possible rest stop one hour outside of Tucson, I smiled at the irony. It was snowing amid the rain. Can you believe it? Then I crested the mountain, and in the distance I could see the storm cloud line. There was a clear line where beyond it the sun opened up and displayed the valley below. It was beautiful.

Still in the big ol' state of Texas

Todays drive was the legendary part of Texas. West Texas, from San Antonio to Fort Stockton. It is 250 miles of absolutely nothing. Seriously, nothing except the beginnings of a desert landscape. Not a house, nor a gas station, nor signs of human life, but for an exit every 100 miles or so. There is absolutely nothing on this straight stretch of divided highway other than a random pothole. Just a handful of cars and a few 18 wheelers were on the road with me today. If you break down here, you are screwed. The occasional rubber tire marks burned in to the pavement swerving off highway is most likely due to some animal coming across your path. And there were a number of tire treads going off the road quickly. Damn. I would not want to drive this stretch at night. Or even on a very hot day. It was solitude. Alone time. Just bugs hitting the windshield. This was the stretch I was dreading the most, and there was more than once that I uttered aloud WTF.
Fort Stockton is no prize either. The produce at the grocery store is pathetic. I actually purchased spicy buffalo wings with dip for dinner. And a yogurt for good measure. The cops wear their 50 gallon cowboy hat in the cruiser, and the tourists are definitely noticed. I hope my car is still there in the morning.
But I don't mean to give Texas a bad name. I liked eastern Texas. And Houston seems pretty cool. The state is just too darn big. It's true what they say that things are bigger in Texas, I guess. The distance on Highway 10 from east of Houston to El Paso is 888 miles across. WTF.

Way on down south

A long day of driving. But the car is treating me very well (thank you), and I'm in Houston safe and sound. That really is a funny phrase. The sound part. Anyway, going through Houston at rush hour on a Friday night brought back my driving skills. Good to know I still got it. Most of the day was just straight and long on Highway 10. Here's a couple of photos from the gulf coast states.

the lovable manatees

These mammals enjoy the warm waters during the cold winter months courtesy of the Florida electric company in Tampa. There are about 75 manatees hanging out, which is more than years past. So that's good. But seriously, this makes me want to be an environmentalist. Toxins are pouring into the air and the water. Can there really ever be such a thing as clean coal? You'll see what I mean when you check out these photos.

Day with Dad

Okay, so this travel blog is not completely in chronological order. It's because of the photos. Sometimes it can hold up a blog. Yet on Tuesday, Dad and I went on a hike to Emerson point (really, a short walk).

Rt 10 West

1855 miles on Rt 10 from FL to Tucson.

A day at the beach

A perfect winter day in Florida! Leslie (a former neighbor from home) and I walked the beach for hours. This southern lifestyle agrees with her. A fun afternoon that ends my visit with my parents. I'm ready to move forward again. I'm back on the road tomorrow, looking forward to opening the sunroof and wearing the Oakleys.