an interesting phenomenon

I wasn't going to mention this. But night after night, I have been impressed. At the hotel, not only do they serve a great hot breakfast that's included, but more interestingly they serve a terrific dinner... with wine (red and white) and beer (by the keg). It's the same cook every night, who is an older man (my age?), mexican, very fit and affable (ha, like me). He chats with everyone and has a ready laugh with a nice smile. He lays out a spread of food every night that he takes pride in. Monday was taco night, but with much more than the usual fixings. I had three tacos just to taste all the variations. Tuesday was open face sandwiches, and Wednesday (tonight) was burger night. But it's not that simple. There are always options... like a veggie burger or chicken burger along side the usual hamburger. With much more that the usual toppings to go inside a bun, plus a green salad, a macaroni salad, potato salad, brown beans, chips, etc. His homemade salsa is always a big hit and empties out quickly. Spicy and thick. I am a big fan. And night after night, I see the same people. It's a room full of guys chowing down and laughing it up. And I am the only female. That's the interesting phenomenon. I have older brothers and a family of men so I can deal. But why no other women? I see them at breakfast. But not dinner. And this is the meal where the real treat lies. At the end of the day.

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