Snow on the mountains in Tucson again

Tucson has had more rain in the past two months than they typically get for the whole year. An unusual day, they tell me. It rained for the whole afternoon and part of the evening, with snow falling at the higher elevations. I noticed the new snow tops on the mountains today. A pretty sight. And the rain fills the rivers, or I should say the wash. Those sad looking dry river beds that fill a rowers heart with dread. But they are flowing today. I'll go out tomorrow and take some pictures and show you. It's not enough to take out an 8+, or even a single, though. Typically dry, people take their horses and gallop down the river course. That is kind of cool to see. I'd like to do that sometime.
I visited the downtown area of Tucson for the first time. I had dinner at Caruso's on 4th Avenue with my childhood friend, and we walked around the old hippie town. It's an amusing throw-back to the sixties with the stores and the locals. But been there, done that.
I'll be moving in to a new apartment that is much larger than my current 344 sq ft studio. I'm ready. Cooking is definitely a challenge here; and I am moving north, closer to the mountains. I'll be living next to the bike path that connects the city to the foothills. Just get on my bike and go. And the U of A is only 6 miles south, along the city bike route, in case I get a job there. A good location, I think! Here's a photo I took off their website. I'm on the 3rd floor.

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