yay! My first visitor will be coming to Tucson!

I'll be in my new apartment thankfully, so we will have much more space, although the new place could be bare bones. Yet we can bike and hike and check out the sights of Tucson! I am very happy that Cathy is coming!! Sweet. They say March is great weather out here. It has lifted my spirits and I love the anticipation.
I bought a new mattress and box spring today. Crap those items are expensive. My mattress at home was well over 10 years old, but still...
I went over to U of A to swim today, since it was rainy and cool for biking. I paid the guest fee, only to learn that the pool is outside! And the scuba team was there. wtf! I sweetly asked the manager for a rain check, and she obliged. So later in the week, when it is sunny and warm(er), I'll be there doing laps. She joked that being from Boston, I should be used to the cold. Little does she know how nice and beautiful and INDOORS the pool is at BU. The best pool ever. With the best Masters Swim Coach. Hope you are reading this, Fiona. I know you agree.

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