Bob Cat on my street today

This is the animal that ran across the street in front of me while I was driving near my apartment. He was fast, but got stopped by a fence on the side of the road. I got a good look at him. He looks just like the bob cat in this photo, minus the green grass. Yikes! I've also seen my first snake on a hike. Almost stepped on him. Not a diamond back, tho. Those are the snakes to avoid around these parts. Venomous!

It's getting hot in Tucson

I know you east coast folks don't want to hear it, and I apologize, but it is in the 80's here. Hot and Sunny at the end of March. Not a cloud in the sky during the day, and random clouds appear in the evening to make beautiful sunsets that I can see from my apartment balcony. People told me it would be be nice from this vantage point. It is. So for the future, maybe you will take pleasure in knowing that the word is once it hits 100 degrees in Tucson, it hangs there for a while. Okay, our summers are your winters. But with clean cars and benefits of Vitamin D! Thus my hiking hat, by the way. And sunscreen. And car ports.

biking instead of hiking today

I went biking without my three partners-in-crime in the Cactus Cycling Club, and I managed to stay up with the intermediate group today. The hill on La Canada is the deal breaker. That separates the pack in to bits and pieces. But I hung on. One needs to be a hill climber here. And that will come. Damn.

are you sick of hiking photos yet?

I've thrown in some wildflower photos from Sundays hike in Ventana Canyon; and my new hiking hat that I bought on my birthday.

It really makes a difference in the Arizona sunshine. Dashing!

Pima Canyon Hike on St Patty's Day

A hot, sunny day and an early hike up Pima Canyon on my birthday. Made me realize the need for a hiker's hat.
Yes, here's proof there is rushing water in Tucson, and green grass too. A great hike..

a river crossing

who would suspect it is my birthday today? (I'm not wearing green!?)

Proof of a wet winter in Tucson

new week

It's nice to be back to my usual routine, and I'm biking hard to keep up with the slow end of the fast group. This weekend I will also be introduced to a hike that Tucson regulars do for 'time'. Just like the regulars from Mt Monadnock. I like that! The nice part here is it's a 5 minute drive vs 1 hour (from Chelmsford). That's the beauty of's all right here, in mighty fine weather. Pretty sweet.

the Sonora Desert Museum today

A beautiful day for Cathy's visit to Tucson and see some of the desert landscape on day one. Here's some pix, starting with bat ears in the bat cave...

the aloe plant in bloom...
cholla cactus...
just restin'...
and before the raptor takes flight...


Today was a good day. It may surprise you to learn I went to a church this morning... an Episcopal church with a woman preacher...unique not only for a female preacher, but also because of it's beautiful Spanish architectural design and huge arched window behind the alter displaying a gorgeous, mesmerizing view of the Catalina mountains. I'm not yet a convert, but I enjoyed the 6 member male A Capella choir and short sermon. From there, I went to the U of A for an outdoor book fest on the mall. I heard an entertaining interview with William Gates Sr. on the topic "Showing up for life". Then on to a talk by Professor Robert Glennon about "Americas water crisis and what to do about it". He truly hit a chord. Did you realize that landscaping takes up to 40% of our water resources? And flushing the toilet is another 30%? Think about that. And it's not just happening in AZ. He is a Boston native (BC grad) and had photos of the Ipswich River that has dried up. I may have found my calling. Now to convince him to hire me. Next on my agenda was to meet an employee of Canyon Ranch for a job opportunity as a hike and bike guide leader. That could be very cool. An exciting day, yes?

the forecast for when my first visitor is here

I don't mean to brag about the Tucson winter weather...

Pix from my first hike in Tucson

A great first hike in the southwest...

moving in to the fast group slowly

I made my move towards the fast group today, and at the Saguaro Loop, a couple of them hung back to see we found our way home. It wasn't just me but it was nice to see they are receptive to up and comers. I had to work and they were just cruising, but I'm getting there. Almost 300 miles on the bike so far. That's more than all last season! Another day on the bike tomorrow. Then a chili feast at the ride leaders house. Sounds like a good day.

My first hike in Tucson

It was too cold (mid-40's!) for our usual Wednesday morning Cactus Club bike ride, so we decided to do a hike instead. My first hike in Tucson! I was happy about that. Five of us did a 5 mile out and back trail in the Rincon Mtns, on the east side of Tucson. It was a fabulous first hike, with beautiful desert landscape, 1500' elevation, and snow capped mountains all around. The Santa Catalina Mountains are in the north with Mt Lemmon (9,157'); and the Santa Rita Mountains are in the south with beautiful Mt Wrightson towering at 9,453'. One of the trail's on that mountain is called Old Baldy at 11 miles round trip. I look forward to that someday. The Tucson Mountains are off to the west with the Saguaro cactus blooms in the springtime. This town is a beautiful place to be outside and the winter weather is perfect. Just have to watch for critters and snakes.


I took my first bike ride from my house today. No car involved. Just got on the bike trail directly behind the apartment, and rode 5 miles along the river to the Sunday morning Farmer's Market. It's a popular destination in the city. This is my 3rd week going. I bought my usual homemade Tamales wrapped in corn husks with spicy green sauce on the side; and then I noticed the clouds rolling in. I'm happy to say that Tucson has had a very wet winter, with a good snow pack in the mountains and well above average rainfall in the valley. That is a good thing for the environment here. Yet when the clouds come, the storm is fast behind. I've noticed that in Florida, too. But in Arizona, when it rains the roads fill so quickly with water and the washes (dips in the road to direct the overflow) are dangerous to pass through because the water is so deep. We've encountered some water in washes during bike rides even days after it has rained. They say that in the summer during the extreme weather of the Monsoon season, the storms are fierce and lightening comes down in sheets, not simply a single bolt of lightening. That must be a sight to behold. So today, I biked home and almost made it, but I got my first flat tire a half mile from home. Walked it in. I'm actually surprised I didn't get a flat sooner. Tucson is very biker friendly with bike lanes painted on all the roads and very courteous drivers, but there is a lot of debris, cracks and potholes. And Arizona does not have the money to maintain the roads.

nice weather in the northeast and in the southwest

Another bike ride this morning and it started out casual and chatty, and became a sweet paceline on the way home. Fun stuff. The leader said to me afterwards that I should begin to think about starting out with the fast group, and if/when I get tired, wait for the slower group to finish. I think that's a great idea. And if I bike from my new home now, it is about 5 miles to the start... I could be warmed up and ready to rock and roll with the big guns. Hmmm. They'll make me work, but it could be fun. Gotta remember that I'll have to bike home again too.
Glad you guys in the northeast had a nice day today. Spring is coming!

I'm trading sunrises for sunsets

I get some great views from my new apartment... of mountains north and west. I've learned the game of timing the closing of the vertical blinds just before the sun hits. That helps, I imagine, in the summertime. Here's some pix. I'd show more of the inside, but really, there's not much furniture. So the outside wins.
the sunset from my balcony
the kitchen view
the balcony view to the north
my writing desk and view
my front door from the kitchen window.

a nicely liberating day -Mar 4 10

I cooked my first breakfast in a very long time of my favorite scrambled eggs; and I sat at a table to eat! with salt and pepper. I really like that. I still haven't put the tv back together yet, but probably tonight. I have to keep up with Survivor!
Exciting news: I had an interview at the U of A... in research; a longitudinal study paid by the tobacco tax of AZ. It's really right up my alley, and is the easy part of my past life. I think the interview went well. A few days will tell.
Now that I am completely moved out of my claustrophobic apartment (!) and I had my first chance at a job, I feel liberated. I put on shorts and a t-shirt and cranked up XM. I feel settled. I made progress today. I caught a tailwind.

p.s. Bev, can't find your comment...where do you think you put it??