a nicely liberating day -Mar 4 10

I cooked my first breakfast in a very long time of my favorite scrambled eggs; and I sat at a table to eat! with salt and pepper. I really like that. I still haven't put the tv back together yet, but probably tonight. I have to keep up with Survivor!
Exciting news: I had an interview at the U of A... in research; a longitudinal study paid by the tobacco tax of AZ. It's really right up my alley, and is the easy part of my past life. I think the interview went well. A few days will tell.
Now that I am completely moved out of my claustrophobic apartment (!) and I had my first chance at a job, I feel liberated. I put on shorts and a t-shirt and cranked up XM. I feel settled. I made progress today. I caught a tailwind.

p.s. Bev, can't find your comment...where do you think you put it??

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