Sunday, day of rest

It's the south. I believe everyday is a rest day in the south. At least here in this little community. But I do love this weather. I'm pretty sure I will enjoy this winter very much. Just need to hit the hills on foot or on bike soon! That will complete me, to steal a phrase. Today there were many phone calls to family members. Everyone is caught up now. My mother's sister has her good days and bad days, but it's certain that her situation has changed. The life that Aunt Mary and Uncle Pete once knew here in Florida has gone by. The body does what the body does, and sometimes it changes the game. The sisters are reconnecting, and that is long overdue. Good for the soul, I am assuming from afar.

Photos from kayaking the mangrove tunnels

We saw a wide variety of tropical birds such as Osprey, Great Blue Herons, Little Blue Herons, White Egrets, Yellow-crowned Night Herons, Snowy Egrets, Little Green Herons, Tri-colored Herons, Black-crowned Night Herons, Cormorants, and well-fed Pelicans. No Dolphins though.

kayaking with Dad

We really did it! A guided 4 mile kayak tour of South Lido mangrove tunnels and the bay. Very fun and unique.

Living in the retirement community

Arrgh! There's not much happening, except a drive to Tampa to take mom to the airport. But the weather is lovely. Great really! Sunny and in the 70's. Perfect! Okay, so tomorrow Dad and I are going kayaking. In a double, and the guide has been warned. We will paddle around the mangrove tunnels and learn about the eco-systems of Sarasota. Dad is willing despite the alligators. Ha! I think it will be a fun way to spend the day on the water. Oh, how times have changed. I don't need to hear you snickering.

Sunshine in Florida

Day 4 and I happily made it safely to Florida. Georgia and Florida are pretty boring from the highway. The plethora of billboards advertise tobacco centers, fireworks, lottery, anti-abortion (including photo of fetus), bible verses, and "we bare it all" clubs. Great. Still, there was not much traffic and minimum 18 wheelers. I was looking forward to seeing the horse farms in Gainesville, but it is not nearly as pretty as the Shenandoah Valley.
The sunshine and warmth is most welcome here. A walk around the 55+ community with mom in the afternoon helped relieve the numbness from sitting, and Dad is off playing bridge.
Travel Stats: 1600 miles; 11 states; 28 hours drive time; 10 dead deer on the highway.

Day two and three in Atlanta

I'm visiting my brother and his new bride in Atlanta. A nice break from the drive and I'm enjoying their company. Right now, I am in a little library with free internet and quiet kids reading books. It's sunny and in the mid 40's. Hopefully it will warm up a little more for our afternoon trip to an animal sanctuary. No snow in sight.
Yesterday, upon leaving the hotel in Woodstock VA, my drive through the Shenandoah Valley was beautiful. The storm had passed through overnight, so the morning mix of clouds displayed the storms edge. The sun that poked through highlighted the miles and miles of rolling farmland of horses and cattle. The view was golden land with two story houses with farmers porches, big red barns and silos, and their property neatly marked off by brown wooden fences common to horse farms. Trees impeccably lined some of the long driveways going up over the hills. Mountains on the left side, signs for the Blue Ridge Parkway off to the right. A very pretty area.
Back on the road tomorrow morning.

Day One on the road - Sunday Jan 24

A pretty uneventful (thankfully) 560 miles and 9.5 hours through MA, CT, NY, PA, MD, WV, and VA, the Shenandoah Valley. And a stop at Walmart Superstore for dinner. Can't get better than that on day one.

We have memories as long as the road that stretches out before me

I spent the afternoon with my oldest friend Sue, whom I have known since second grade. Seriously, that is a long time. We grew up together in the same quaint little neighborhood in Lexington, living our days after school out-of-doors building retreats in the woods, pretending to ride horses, making a celebratory cake for the Beatles arrival, driving to NY for coffee in a Mustang convertible, and always talking about boys. Over the years she has become my rock. It's interesting to me that we differ politically and in so many ways, yet we share so much. I don't know how that is possible, but it is. It is respect despite our differences with history. Amazing.

Coach Rice and the winning Beverly Girls in Lowell

My favorite workout partner at Slone is having fun coaching hockey (five years now) after playing with the Olympians in her day. A winning record this season!

rowers and dinner

Thanks for a great dinner and fun conversation! I'll miss you guys lots. I love hearing how hard you are working out, and witnessing technically perfect push-ups in the Java Room.

new winter workouts

I like that I can workout for 2.5 hours in the middle of the morning these days. Wake up at 7, go to body bar class at 8:30, step class at 9:30, with abs at 10:30. I used to do those classes years ago before rowing. Step class is like riding a bicycle. The cues and footwork return to memory and we are fast and furiously flying around the step. Fun stuff. Still, I miss swim and rowing. Not erg. Not the alarm set at 3:50am.

the ladies from slone

It was great fun catching up with co-workers at a birthday lunch today at Brown Sugar. Even saw my old office on the 4th floor. Wish I had more time to visit the 5th floor too. Next time. I headed to MIT to meet Holly. Good for the soul, that one. And she is in fighting shape for the Crash B's.

the adventure is near...

Reality is setting in, and the Rand McNally map of the United States is open. I like seeing the bigger picture, although I already have my google map directions to Florida. It looks like 1500 miles to Tampa from here through Scranton and then south. That lines me up with two families to stay with en route. After Florida, Rt 10 along the Gulf coast looks interesting, although Texas scares me. That state is huge. It's a long way to Tucson. Anyone want to come along? Just checking.

Thanks to the CRI comp women with their encouraging notes. Love you guys.

before the road

Friends from the past are randomly appearing during these days of unemployment. Just running in to them in various places. Is it closure, or reason to stay? Either way, it's nice. Keeping the past and seeing the future. Not just the day to day. The open road. The sunshine and the possibilities.