Day two and three in Atlanta

I'm visiting my brother and his new bride in Atlanta. A nice break from the drive and I'm enjoying their company. Right now, I am in a little library with free internet and quiet kids reading books. It's sunny and in the mid 40's. Hopefully it will warm up a little more for our afternoon trip to an animal sanctuary. No snow in sight.
Yesterday, upon leaving the hotel in Woodstock VA, my drive through the Shenandoah Valley was beautiful. The storm had passed through overnight, so the morning mix of clouds displayed the storms edge. The sun that poked through highlighted the miles and miles of rolling farmland of horses and cattle. The view was golden land with two story houses with farmers porches, big red barns and silos, and their property neatly marked off by brown wooden fences common to horse farms. Trees impeccably lined some of the long driveways going up over the hills. Mountains on the left side, signs for the Blue Ridge Parkway off to the right. A very pretty area.
Back on the road tomorrow morning.

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