hiking, biking, working, and the UA symphony (4/30/10)

It has been a while since I have updated you! Where to begin? First of all, and reluctantly, I must admit that going back to work is an adjustment. It has been months since my early retirement began, which has been a truly pleasurable experience. But work is not a bad thing either, and I enjoy my job more now that the dreadful on-line training is complete. What a boring and tedious endeavor that is. Today I had my first in-person practice and I was pleasantly surprised. It went smoothly with a 5.5 year old, and we covered the plethora of tests at a good pace. He did really well and seemed to have fun! This job might be okay.
I got to use my CatCard (short for U of A Wildcats) to purchase discounted tickets ($5) to the symphony on Sunday with a friend. There are many museums and events available for free or at discounted rate for UA CatCard holders. That's me!
The biking has been first rate, and I am closing in on 1,000 miles. The cycling group is challenging and motivating, and includes a former Olympian. I am getting stronger as we climb Mt Lemmon once a week and rack up the miles on the roads in the foothills. I'm sure you've heard that Tucson is ranked #9 for 700 miles of bike lanes. In the springtime our rides begin at 9:30, but now they move to 8am to avoid the heat. Coffee and a sandwich follows each ride. See why retirement is good?
The hiking is incredible. Within a 5 minute drive from my apartment to the mountains, there are so many different hikes. I have not repeated one yet, and we go once a week. I am up to 8 miles at a time now. That's not a piece of cake yet, but we'll keep working at it. The views are gorgeous, and the landscape is so unusual. Don't expect any shade. Thus the wide-brimmed hats. So far, I have encountered snakes, a gila monster and the collard lizard. Here's some photos to show you of our last hike to Seven Falls in Bear Canyon in the Coronado National Forest.

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