Prop 302 survives the November 2 election!!

A bright light in the state of Arizona:
"First Things First appreciates this show of confidence from Arizona voters (70%) and their continued commitment to our youngest kids. We will continue in our mission to ensure that all Arizona kids have the tools they need to start kindergarten healthy and ready to succeed."
Very exciting news. I am ready to go forth and do good. Love it!

an incredible monsoon sky (8/28)

From my balcony (facing west) at dusk, 3 things were happening in the wide open sky at once... straight ahead in the center, due west, is a full ball of sun sitting just above the horizon, lying below a distinct horizontal line of grey clouds with rain showers streaking through the bright red sunset colors. To the north is blue sky and white puffy clouds rising above the mountains; and to the south is dark clouds producing a line of rain with vivid lightening that spread across the sky from top to bottom with a constant roll of thunder to fill my ears. There is a pleasant cool desert wind. It is beautiful to see monsoon from my chair on the balcony.

August 25th

Monsoon is here in Tucson. As the high summer temperatures build during the afternoon, you can watch the huge white puffy clouds rise up vertically in the sky over the Rincon Mountains to the east, and you know it is coming. That's the definition of Monsoon: a reverse in wind direction. Typically we get weather from the west, but in Monsoon it comes from the southeast (the gulf of Mexico). If it makes it over the mountains, it arrives with a jolt of energy: lightening, thunder, severe down pours and sometimes hail (like yesterday). The rivers flow and the washes fill up with water. The roads can be impassable. It is fierce, like a New England blizzard snow storm in winter. Yet it thankfully nourishes the dry desert landscape and drops the temperature by at least 20 degrees. The mountains are noticeably greener these days. That's why people here love the Monsoon. I get it.

June 25th.

It's been some time since we've talked. I have a confession to make. I am actually getting used to the 3-digit temperatures around here. Don't get me wrong. It's hot. HOT. But I caught myself questioning if it was too cool to go do some laps at the pool recently, and the temps were in the 90's. Can that be? It's unreal. But you have to understand something. It is truly sunny every day. A blue, cloudless sky. Every day. There is no Seasonal Affective Disorder here. So you don't have to exercise under less than ideal conditions. So swim, bike, or hike... you go out early and then hang out at the cafe for breakfast. And possibly head to work for the afternoon. What is this dream? Does it have to end? Sadly, time will tell.
So now the talk is "when is the monsoon coming?" I have only a faint idea of what that means. I hear it is dramatic and fierce and cooling. June is the hottest month on record each year. People love the monsoon. I hope I do too.
My job at the U of A is fun and exciting. It is cranking up and on its way. I truly hope it survives the November election. It is good for the future of this state. But not everyone sees money in the same way. So I am considering other options, and I have a couple of things in the pipeline. One is an outdoor guide at a local famous resort. A hiking and biking guide. I like that. Actually, I'd love that. We'll talk again soon.

a walk along the bike path from outside my door

It's a really pleasant evening tonight as the sun sets and the moon (almost full) is high in the sky. The temp is in the 70's. The bike path adjacent to my apartment is popular with walkers, joggers, and cyclists. The Catalinas are the backdrop with blue sky behind. Within walking distance there is an intramural softball game going on next to a pick-up basketball game. Dog parks are along side... one for big dogs and one for small. Liking it.

biking, a little work, and the symphony

Lisa and I climbed Mt Lemmon today, our second time this week ... to Seven Cataracts, which is the furthest Lisa has climbed so far! It is beginning to feel good to me. Just going the distance and not fretting it. It's always a good workout. Descending is getting a bit easier... but to see some of the cyclists come down so fast is incredible. Their 1" tires are screaming down the pavement. You can hear them coming even before you see them.
Then I came home and made a very nice lunch of marinated salmon (yes, I took a chance in the desert), broccoli, and couscous with raisins, almonds, onion and honey. And then I went to work. On-line proficiency testing consisting of scoring and administration of the various standardized assessments. All my fears were for naught. I did great. Ready to move on!
My reward was the free outdoor symphony at Udall Park tonight. The weather is always good, and once the sun goes down, the temperature is delightful. Tonight was the Arizona Symphonic Winds with a special violin concerto. Fabulous! I have not heard a violin solo like that ever. So I expect I will learn a great deal about the symphony before the summer ends.

NBA afternoon

no boys allowed for the afternoon showing of the movie "Nine" at a friends house. Huge tv screen in a gorgeous home on a hot sunny friday in tucson. Snacks and wine and female conversation. Very fun! What a life.