June 25th.

It's been some time since we've talked. I have a confession to make. I am actually getting used to the 3-digit temperatures around here. Don't get me wrong. It's hot. HOT. But I caught myself questioning if it was too cool to go do some laps at the pool recently, and the temps were in the 90's. Can that be? It's unreal. But you have to understand something. It is truly sunny every day. A blue, cloudless sky. Every day. There is no Seasonal Affective Disorder here. So you don't have to exercise under less than ideal conditions. So swim, bike, or hike... you go out early and then hang out at the cafe for breakfast. And possibly head to work for the afternoon. What is this dream? Does it have to end? Sadly, time will tell.
So now the talk is "when is the monsoon coming?" I have only a faint idea of what that means. I hear it is dramatic and fierce and cooling. June is the hottest month on record each year. People love the monsoon. I hope I do too.
My job at the U of A is fun and exciting. It is cranking up and on its way. I truly hope it survives the November election. It is good for the future of this state. But not everyone sees money in the same way. So I am considering other options, and I have a couple of things in the pipeline. One is an outdoor guide at a local famous resort. A hiking and biking guide. I like that. Actually, I'd love that. We'll talk again soon.